How to Become a Better Person (Really!)

How to Become a Better Person

Why does being ‘a good person’ have such a bad name? In the modern world, the idea of trying to be good or kind conjures up all sorts of negative associations: of piety, solemnity, bloodlessness and sexual renunciation. It’s telling that ‘wicked’ has even become a term of praise.

And yet the project of being good is as vital, or even more important, for the individual and society as is the project of being healthy. Yet while we have no problem with going to the gym to get fitter, it sounds deeply weird, even creepy, to suggest that one might ‘work’ at being better or nicer. MORE

It sounds normal to say one's out to become a healthier, or fitter person; but it sounds really weird to say we would like to be a nicer or better person. It shouldn't - so here is a guide to 10 virtues of a nice person: 


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