''Positive Mindset, Positive Life'' Book Outline

''You possess your mind. You control your thoughts.
By practicing positive thought, you will change the Universe forever.''

''Positive Mindset, Positive Life''
by Michael Corthell

Positive Thinking Leads to Positive Thought
Practicing Positive Thought Leads to Happiness
Happiness Leads to a Desire to Help Others To Be Happy


''Positive Mindset, Positive Life'' - If you want to be more happy and successful in life, it's imperative that we all fight the brain's natural tendency to focus on the negative. Instead, we must develop a way of looking at the world through and by way of a positive, self-compassionate and holistic mindset. most human brains exhibit a psychological tendency called 'negativity bias.' As far as the human mind is concerned, 'bad' is stronger than 'good'. But, it can be changed which is good as you shall see.

Positive Life is the first book in a series of books on teaching positive thought.

Before we get started, please do this:

I would like you all to write down the following, ''Positive Thinking Leads to Positive Thought, Practicing Positive Thought Leads to Happiness, Happiness Leads to a Desire to Help Others Be Happy.'' Write it in your own hand, on a piece of paper, if you please. Then memorize it. Then believe it. Put the paper in a safe place. There are two more lines that go with those three. I will reveal what they are and just how important the complete statement is somewhere inside this book.

This web page is a continuum. A continuum being a continuous sequence. What I mean by this is that each day I will add a new, positive thought teaching to this page. Which in time will be come a complete book. If you come back each day, you will witness a book being written. You can also give me input. Help me edit. Give me ideas. Just shoot me an email: mikecorthell@gmail.com.

Let's proceed!

What is positive thought?

Positive thinking leads to positive thought. A thought is an idea and an idea is a product of thinking. But you may ask why should I dedicate my time or even my life to generating positive thought?

Better health would be a positive thing and research is showing that by thinking positive we can lower stress levels and improve our body's immune system. That, in itself, is a good reason to continue studying how to become positive in mind and in spirit.

"Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." —Abraham Lincoln

Are you approaching life's challenges with a positive outlook? If so, do you always think positive? Do you highly value the art of positive thinking leading to positive thoughts and positive outcomes?

Researcher Martin Seligman, frames positive thinkers in terms their explanatory styles. Your explanatory style is how you explain why events happened. People with a positive outlook tend to give themselves credit when good for good things that happen, and usually blame outside forces for bad outcomes. They also see negative events as not typical and temporary.

On the flip side of the human coin, people with a negative outlook on life will often blame themselves for bad things happening, and then fail to give themselves credit for good things that happen in their lives. As you might expect negative thinkers have a tendency to view negative events as typical and lasting. When people blame themselves for events outside of their control and see these negative events as common, it can lead to an unhappy and unfulfilled life.

People who practice positive thought seem to be less affected by stress. A lot less in most cases. People who think positive tend to live healthier lives in general. They are optimistic about the benefits of eating right and exercising for example. Positive thinkers by definition tend to avoid unhealthy (negative) behaviors.

If you don't think positive right now or if you want to become more positive, you are reading the right book. (You can even help write it!)

Next up positive spiritual energy. In this section I am going to really get down to the spiritual aspects of positive thought. In later talks, we will be covering topics about faith, love, sex, subconscious thought manipulation, clairvoyance and much more. You will not be bored.

What is positive spiritual energy?

Some of us have a special spiritual quality, we are magnetic in the quiet sense but yet we are lively and engaged. We are extremely and exceptionally in the present, involved in the moment, many times funny, yet profoundly at peace—with an even temperament even in disturbing or heartbreaking situations. You will always feel different, often better after you spend time with us. You are left wanting to spend even more time with us, and this feeling you will carry with you even after we are out of sight.

We are human beings who's 'spiritual cup' is always running over. We are spiritually energized. We are people who have made the decision to generate positive thought by always thinking positive in every situation. For us there is no turning back from this life philosophy. We can be teachers. We can be healers. We are often both.

Positive spiritual energy is the energy (Power) produced by an excited and engaged mind. That state of positive energized thought, taps the creative and infinite intelligence of our Creator. God.

A spiritual energy flows through the entire Universe, like blood flow that carries within it life. this spiritual 'blood flow' is at its essence pure love. It is a 'water'. It is a river of life.

We who have learned this and practice it are energized. We pass this blessing along to all who will hear, see or read this message. We do this so that it flows back to its source —God. We intend to create a world of grateful living. We are all meant by the Creator to live a Positive Life.

One day, and it shall be very soon. The world harness the true energy of life. Then mankind will have discovered fire for the second time. The spiritual fire of life that is love.

What is DESIRE? And what does desire have to do with positive thought?

Everything. Desire is the first step to the achievement ANYTHING.

Every person who reaches the age of understanding wishes for money, wealth and power at one time or another, but wishing will not bring money or power. Wishing is a waste of your valuable time. But desiring riches with a state of mind that becomes an burning fire, an obsession will. After you have developed the burning desire the next step is to plan a definite way to acquire riches. After your plan is in place, you will match those plans with persistence, developing a will that never gives up, never takes 'no' for an answer and never recognizes the words impossible and failure.

The way in which desire for wealth and success can be changed into into its material equivalent, consists of these seven(7) common sense steps. Document them:

1. Fix in your mind the amount of money you desire.
2. Be specific, to the dollar! If you just wish for a 'boat load' of cash, this plan will not work. There is a very good reason for this specificity as you will later discover in this manual.

3. State exactly what you intend to do or give in return for the money or success you desire to achieve. You have to DO to GET. That is the law of compensation.
4. Write down a specific date when you know you will receive the money and/or success you desire.
5. Make a plan (again specific) for carrying out your plan to achieve your desired amount of money and/or success, and start right away, no matter if you are ready or not. State the amount of money you intend to earn, set the time limit for payment, state what you will offer in return for the money and/or success. and describe the plan in detail.

6. Read your plan out loud. Do this the first thing in the morning and just before you go to sleep (just before sleep is very important).

7. During the day remember your plan for wealth and success. Keep your plan close as you go about your business. As you do this, visualize the success you are going to have and see the money you are going to accumulate. Be positive and have faith. You have to absolutely believe that you will succeed.

Those of you who succeed will be the ones who followed the above instructions to the letter, with no variation. When you take this instruction, you will become success oriented and your mind, soul and spirit will become focused on abundance, rather on failure and scarcity.

Lastly, I want you to know with certainty that you will never have great success and/or wealth in abundance if you don't believe that you will. Your obsession to succeed, your faith and burning desire must be so strong that it is almost consuming. I cannot stress this directive and concept too strongly.

What is Faith and how to get it, keep it and strengthen it.

According to some writers, Faith is the chemistry that fires the brain and creates the desire mentioned previously. Some claim in can be induced by affirmatives repeated over and over to the self, which then permeate the subconscious mind. To this writer, I agree, you can, fake it 'til you make it for the purposes of developing desire, but once the point is reached, the 'flash' point, if you will, the Faith becomes real.

Repetition of positive instruction to your subconscious mind is the only known, human method to develop Faith.

How to train and use the biggest part of your mind:

Start with Affirmations. Affirmations: repeating positive thoughts and ideas to ourselves. Make them specific. Be excited emotionally while you are doing it. Believe it and have Faith. Make a clear, definitive statements and believe that it is already true. Your subconscious mind takes over and will accept what you say is the truth. You will then begin to change the way you think – about wealth, about yourself, and about the direction of your life.

Visualize your ideas and goals. Seeing, really 'seeing' is a powerful way to train your subconscious mind. Visualization helps you feel and experience something that waits for you in the future. You convince your subconscious that this idea or goal is real. Your subconscious mind is gullible, that is, it can't tell the difference between imagination and reality. And again be very specific about what it is you want.

Start meditating. Faithful Meditation is a very powerful training method. Meditation goes above conscious thought, transcends normal thinking. When you are in a meditative state you committing and submitting yourself to an inner peace, keeping distracting thoughts at bay. Some may believe that  meditation is a new age technique, it is not. It is time tested. It works well but as always with anything worthwhile the key to mastery is practice. Meditation helps you to achieve inner calm, meditation will also help you to become more psychologically centered. It will also advance you spiritually, connecting you more completely with the Infinite Intelligence. (The Universe or God)

When you come to the realization that you can control your way of thinking in response to a seemingly crazy world, it is one of the most liberating and transformative human experiences you can have.

What we feed our subconscious minds, nourish with repetition and deep emotion, will become our reality.

''When we have very strong emotions mixed with Faith, coupled with an idea or a goal, the more attached it becomes to our subconscious mind, that attachment will immediately start us along the path to the goal's fulfillment.''

Faith then is, indeed, a state of mind, which can be induced, created through affirmations and instructions that are repeated over and over again to the subconscious mind. This is called through auto-suggestion which I will cover in the book in a subsequent chapter.

Every thought we have that has been mixed with the passion of emotion, given feeling, and then mixed with Faith will automatically start the process of materializing the desired object. It is called 'translation' of thought to matter. If one thought-desire is combined with the emotions of sex, love and Faith then the manifestation of the desired matter is nearly certain.

What is self or auto-suggestion?

Some call it self-hypnosis. This is not correct. I feel that self-hypnosis is the result of completely successful auto-suggestion because of the definition of hypnosis is, ''a trancelike state of altered consciousness that resembles sleep but is induced by a person whose suggestions are readily accepted by the subject.''

I say 'completely successful' I don't mean to infer that 'regular' autosuggestion isn't successful. But to achieve direct entry into our subconscious minds we must first use repetitive affirmations.

Self-suggestion is a method of communication between the conscious mind where thought is formed and the subconscious mind.

Through persistent thought(s) which we permit to remain in our thinking, reasoning, conscious mind, the principle of auto-suggestion reaches the subconscious mind and therefor influences it with thought(s). These thoughts can be positive or they can be negative. The sub-conscious mind makes no distinction. It doesn't reason or qualify. It doesn't care.

God created, in mankind, the ability to control what enters the sub-conscious mind, through the five basic senses. Do people always exercise this control? No, unfortunately, they do not. This one fact explains the misery of the human race. Read the pervious sentence again. Fix it in your memory. It is one of the 'secrets' I will refer to again, several more times, in this book.

The writer/poet Ella Wheeler Wilcox gave evidence of her understanding of the supreme, intangible force of the subconscious mind in this verse:

“You never can tell what a thought will do
In bringing you hate or love—
For thoughts are things, and their airy wings
Are swifter than carrier doves.
They follow the law of the universe—
Each thing creates its kind,
And they speed O’er the track to bring you back
Whatever went out from your mind.”

Yes, the greatest intangible force in the Universe is thought. A THOUGHT. Thinking about possible positive out comes, will create IDEAS (thoughts) that lead to positive results. Period.

es, the greatest intangible force in the Universe is thought. A THOUGHT. Thinking about possible positive out comes, will create IDEAS (thoughts) that lead to positive results. Period.

 ''And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.''
—Genesis 1:3

God allowed light to enter into being. Even for God to do so required a thought. ONE thought. The singularity. WE, being created by Him, in His image (a representation) use the very same formula to manifest matter. We translate and transmute thoughts into things. It can be no other way. The intangible becomes the tangible. Energy becomes matter, and matter reverts back to energy. Life cycle. This foundational principle of how the Universe was created is raw and simple just as the foundation of all matter. Starting with the construction of one hydrogen atom. Then another and another...then squeezing a whole bunch of them together to form a star. Very simple stuff. The complexity as we know come with the details and nuances.

There are two major units of the mind. The conscious, curious, self-aware decision making part. And the buried, backroom, behind the curtain part. The former guards and feeds the latter.

The subconscious mind is molded by the thoughts presented to it in proportion to the level of emotion or feeling attached to those thoughts. Logical or cold ides have much less attachment value. In fact, it is this writer's opinion, that only thoughts with attached with strong feeling have any influence on the subconscious mind. I also know that emotion or feeling, rules the behavior of mankind. We use it in marking and advertising every day. Politicians are masters of it. (Beware by being aware).

What then, is the evidence of a person who has mastered the harnessing of the intangible force? You see it. They 'seem' to be people who attract good things. They appear 'lucky' or blessed. (they are very blessed, believe me because they know the 'secret'). They are active people and they get the job done. They know that, so how they think, so they are.

THE Intangible Force? Thought. A thought can be positive or negative. It can be light or it can be dark. It is the universal way of being, because the Universe and all the laws that govern it are the same way. It is duality of existence. It is digital if you will. On/Off. Binary code like this: 01100001.

Here is the practical lesson and the core of it:

There are seven primary positive emotions, and seven primary negative emotions. The negatives voluntarily inject themselves into our thoughts, so we must take charge consciously, be proactive in our thinking to influence and create positive outcomes.

  • The emotion of DESIRE
  • The emotion of FAITH
  • The emotion of LOVE
  • The emotion of SEX
  • The emotion of ENTHUSIASM
  • The emotion of ROMANCE
  • The emotion of HOPE
  • The emotion of FEAR
  • The emotion of JEALOUSY
  • The emotion of HATRED
  • The emotion of REVENGE
  • The emotion of GREED
  • The emotion of SUPERSTITION
  • The emotion of ANGER
These emotions can't exist in your mind at the same timeTherefor they are your choice! One or the other must dominate your mind. Again, you choose your dominating thoughts. It is your responsibility to make sure that positive emotions dominate your thinking.

Remember that your dominating thoughts attract, by a definite law of nature. This is done by the shortest and most convenient route, (nature is very efficient). Guard against negative influences by being careful what your thoughts land on. Dwelling on the negative just contributes to a negative's power.

Specialized vs. General Knowledge

In the world there is general knowledge, and then there is specialized knowledge. General knowledge isn't much use in the accumulation of wealth. Our schools, colleges and universities have within them all the general knowledge accumulated up until our present day. In fact if you need an answer, just 'Google' it. Most teachers are under paid and don't not have an abundance mindset. They are specialists in teaching knowledge. Specialized knowledge.

In order for you to create wealth, you will require specialized knowledge of the services and products, which you intend to offer in return for money. And you may need much more specialized knowledge than you have the ability or the time to acquire.  If this is the case, you may need to form a master mind group. In fact, a master mind group is a necessity.

Below is the invitation the author uses to form a group:

ACME Master Mind Group


Because of your experience and talent, you are cordially invited to join our Bridgton Master Mind Group.
We are a group of highly skilled and talented people who meet monthly to tackle challenges and problems together. We lean on each other, give advice, share connections, and do business with each other when that is appropriate.
Here are the reasons why a you should join us:
You’ll be part of an exclusive community. Joining our group involves you being invited by the existing membership. The other members need you just as much as you need them, so quality of experience and knowledge is crucial to all involved. Attendance is very important. You must fully commit to this group. If you cannot, please decline our invitation.
Advisement. Once you are involved in our Master Mind Group, that feeling of “being alone” while running your business will be gone. The other members of the group turn into business advisors of sorts and vice versa.
Collaboration is the name of the game. You may find someone in the group that is a perfect fit to work on a project with you. Or, you may be the perfect person to help another member as well. The group works together collaboratively, to achieve more together.
Extend your network. Joining our group expands your network exponentially and rapidly. If you are in business, you know how important your network is. By joining this group, you instantly add to your network and typically gain the networks of those in the group with you.
New learning. Everyone in this group is unique in skill, experience and connections. By interacting and sharing your challenges, it’s almost certain that someone will have a solution for you and you may also be able to offer a solution, connection, or tactic to help another in the group.
Cross-promotion. When you join our group, you will find ways to help by utilizing cross promotion. We find ways to help each other through promoting to our respective networks.
You will ‘think bigger’. Being in our __________________ will truly give you a Master Mind! You can’t help but think bigger and stretch beyond your boundaries when surrounded by amazing people doing amazing things.
This master mind is going to create and do incredible things. It can and will do wonders for your business as well as for you, personally. Growing in a group is not only more effective, but it will be a great time!

Best regards!

You will notice that the number one requirement is Attendance. ''Attendance is very important. You must fully commit to this group. If you cannot, please decline our invitation.''

The success of any master mind group depends on it.

Do you know how to buy knowledge?

The very first thing to do in this regard is to decide what kind of specialized knowledge you need and of course it's purpose, plus its purpose in your over-all plan. Your chief purpose in life will guide you in this effort. Your life goals should determine the types of knowledge you should acquire. What you need next is accurate information to help you find dependable sources of knowledge. Yes, you may have to buy information through training. But we are blessed today with free information:

  • Online search engines, like Google and Bing.
  • One's own experience and education

  • Peer group mentoring groups like a master mind group.

  • Prep-schools, Colleges and Universities

  • Public Libraries
  • Certified Adult Education Training Courses

As you gain knowledge it has to be well organized before it can be put to good use through practical planning to achieve your desired purpose.

Knowledge has no value what-so-ever unless it is used, and used for the good of all involved. This is the very reason why college degrees are being devalued to day and why Mike Rowe of ''Dirty Jobs'' is so well regarded. College degrees, by themselves, without applied, practical knowledge represent nothing but random facts and information.

Specific, specialized knowledge, plus creative imagination, will enable the creation of sound solutions to problems as well ideas.

If you have imagination, and are looking a more lucrative outlet for your personal services, this suggestion may be it. A sound, creative idea is capable of producing an income far greater than that of a doctor, lawyer, or engineer whose education required in some case nearly a decade of college and specialized training.

A creative idea generated through the use of your positive thought and use of creative imagination  is saleable to those seeking new positions, in practically all positions calling for managerial or executive ability, and those desiring re-arrangement of incomes in their present positions.

There is no set price for sound ideas.

Specialized knowledge helps create more knowledge and ideas. But for those who do not find wealth and riches in abundance right away, specialized knowledge is more abundant and can be had, especially in the age we live in, some calling it the information age.

Information is more easily acquired than ideas. Because of this fact, there is an unlimited demand and therefor an ever-increasing opportunity for anyone today. To be a capable, productive and sought out person requires imagination. Imagining ideas. Then mixing sound ideas with a well organized plan.

If you have a good imagination or have the desire to develop one reading this book may present you with at least one idea that will serve as the beginning of the wealth and success you desire.

Remember, idea creation is the primary thing. Specialized knowledge can be found easily.

Just imagine...Creative Imagination

Your imagination is a workshop. It is a place within the human mind where all plans created. Your impulse and desire is given shape and formed there.

It is a fact that mankind can create anything which he can imagine through the process of creative imagination.

The time we are living in currently (the early 21st century) one of the most favorable for the use of this type of imagination, as evidenced by the progress and rapidity of change in both our technology plus a renewal of spiritual consciousness. Humanity is on the cusp of even greater progress because science, and it's resulting technology are merging or becoming unified behind spirituality.

Through the use of creative imagination, mankind has discovered, and used effectively, more of natural forces, using the laws of creation during the past fifty years, than it has over the entire history of the human race before that time.

Mankind's scientific community has finally accepted the human (and animal) mind is both a broadcasting, and a receiving organ for the thought, and are beginning now make practical use of this knowledge.

There are two divisions of imagination, as outlined below:

Synthetic Imagination(SI)
By using this type of imagination, we arrange new combinations of old ideas, and plans. This form of imagination creates no new ideas. It only enhanced old ones.

Creative Imagination(CI)
This faculty of the human mind communicates with the universal infinite intelligence(II). (This writer calls this intelligence God, the Creator or the grand architect.)

CI is where thoughts called "hunches" and "gut feelings" are received. CI is where all basic, or new ideas are handed over to mankind by II.

Also, through the faculty of CI we receive thoughts from the minds of others. It is through CI that we "tune in," or communicate with the subconscious minds of other human beings (and animals).

CI is tapped by the subconscious mind, in a way described later in the book. It operate only when the brain waves in the conscious mind are vibrating at an extremely rapid rate, as for example, when the subconscious mind is stimulated through the emotionalized sexual of a desire.

The most celebrated leaders in business, manufacturing, banking, as well as artists, musicians, poets, and writers became geniuses, because they developed and used CI by channeling II

Both the SI and CI  become stronger with use, and they will fade when not used frequently.

For right now, focus on the development of SI, because this is a talent that you will use much more often in converting your thoughts into money.

Read the remainder of this book, then circle back here. The reason? When you finish the book you will then be ready to use SI and CI to your full advantage because the very last chapter ties CI and II tightly together.  When you return here it will be time to develop an action plan that will detail your blueprint for turning your number one purpose in life, your burning desire, into wealth, money, riches.

Clear teaching and precise instructions for construction of your plan is contained all through this book.

Now that you're back here, commit your plan to a Word or computer file. When you have done this, you have, effectively turned a thought into a thing. You have taken something intangible, into something you can touch. This is the secret. Bookmark this page. Highlight this paragraph.

You have just been handed the knowledge of a gift, knowledge that you hold the gift of creation in your own mind. Through your CI that can communicate with the II. The Universe is now at your disposal.

Organization of Action Plans

You now know, that everything a human being creates or receives, begins in the form of a desire. You also know that desire goes from an abstract thought to a firm idea. It is then molded by CI where plans are created and then organized.

Now you can be instructed about how to formulate plans.

  • Associate yourself with as many people as you need to help create your plan. You can do this by creating a master mind group or alliance, which is also known as a peer mentoring group.
  • Before your create this group, clearly know the advantages, and benefits to members. That is what you can offer them. No one will contribute without some form of compensation, at least not indefinitely. Please note that the benefit does not have to be in the form of money.
  • The group should meet regularly once a month, and more often if possible. Meetings are best in person but meeting online in a private chat group works well also. Absences should be strongly discouraged and should be discussed when new members are invited in.
  • Harmony must be maintained at all times within and among group members. If harmony is not kept, your group will fail. The "Master Mind" only operates in perfect harmony between the associated minds.
What is the Collective Unconscious?
Collective unconscious, a term first coined by Dr. Carl Jung. It refers to structures of the unconscious mind which are shared among sentient beings of the same species. The lower life forms also have this innate structure of the mind. According to Jung, the human collective unconscious is populated by instincts and by archetypes, that is universal symbols such as the 'Great Mother', the 'Wise Old Man', the 'Shadow', the 'Tower', 'Water', the Tree of Life, and many others.

Dr. Jung was and is still considered to be a little 'out there', but there is much supporting evidence now and recently discovered information from the distant past also support his idea of an in born, shared and experiential knowledge.

My theory is one that is, and shared by many others, that this area of the human mind is a spiritual and inherited store of information that is tied tightly to the Infinite Intelligence we know as God. It is the fountain of new ideas, as well as a depository of the way our species behaved during its development. 

The collective unconscious is an universal starting point, and a 'library of common knowledge'.  Every human being receives this psychic library/framework during the development of the brain during gestation. It is instilled. You can't gather this 'mind architecture' through education or other conscious effort, because it is inherited and God given.

This static information is a universal library of human knowledge, or the 'sage' in us, (experiential  wisdom or senex) in mankind. It is the Infinite Intelligence and wisdom (of God) that guides mankind.

After we understand what it is, how then can we use it?

I use the term 'collective uncurious in the same way Jung described it, (as I learned it in college) but also use the same term to describe the life force of the Holy Spirit of God.

Dr. Einstein, who used this creative faculty practically to its fullest extent possible, describes it this way:

''The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will; the solution comes to you and you don't know how or why. The truly valuable thing is the intuition.''
—Albert Einstein

What he is referring to, of course, is the Infinite Intelligence of God (Holy Spirit). The universal life force— its mechanism being the Collective Unconscious.

The human race (and other sentient races) have a Universal Mind. It is just there, created and curated by the spirit of God. And it is not just a static framework, but a part of the Holy Spirit that processes the information by mixing with the collective unconscious of all other life forms' instinct and reasoned knowledge on Earth and even with life on other worlds. Like a spiritual computer, it can be tapped into and used to translate information back to people as inspiration (Creative Intelligence) Once we are shown how, or stumble upon it, we can tune in and download a revelation, compose a song, create a work of art, or write a book and many other things that come into our thoughts by way of this great store-house of knowledge and experience.

This is the end of Part I. The Collective Unconscious and Infinite Intelligence (Holy Spirit) is at the core of my teaching Positive Thought. It is the most important part of this book. Part II is located in the very last section of this book. I suggest that you read it next, then come back and continue reading the next chapter following this one.

How to Overcome Procrastination

People who reach decisions almost immediately and definitely, get what they want, because they know what they want. Good leaders in every profession decide quickly, and firmly. That is the number one reason they are in a leadership position. The world has the habit of making room for a person whose words and actions show that they knows where they are going.

A study people who had made fortunes in their businesses, showed that every single one of reached discussions promptly and changed their minds slowly, if, and when those decisions needed to be changed. People who cannot produce wealth, without exception, have a bad habit of reaching decisions, very slowly, and of changing these decisions often and very quickly.

[to be continued]

Developing Persistence

Once you decide on a plan of action you must them follow it through with desire and persistence. Here is the basic formula:

Consistent Persistence + Perseverance + Patience = SUCCESS 

4 Steps to a Persistence Habit

A definite purpose backed by a burning desire for its fulfillment.

A definite plan, expressed in continuous action.

A mind closed tightly against all negative and discouraging influences, including negative suggestions of relatives, friends and acquaintances.

A friendly alliance with one or more person who will encourage you to follow through with both plan and purpose.

The Definite Causes of the HABIT of Persistence

Know WHAT YOU WANT.  Knowing what you want is the first and, perhaps, the most important step toward the development of persistence. A strong motive forces you to surmount many difficulties.

A BURNING DESIRE. It is comparatively easy to acquire and maintain persistence when you have intense desire.

SELF-RELIANCE. Believe in your ability to carry out a plan makes you follow the plan through with persistence.

DEFINITENESS OF PLANS. Organized plans, even though they may be weak and entirely impractical, help maintain a habit of persistence.

ACCURATE KNOWLEDGE. Knowing that your plans are sound, based upon experience or observation, builds persistence — guessing instead of knowing takes it away.

COOPERATION. Empathy, understanding and harmonious cooperation with others lends to the habit of persistence.

WILLPOWER. The habit of concentrating and focusing your thoughts upon the building of plans for attaining your definite purpose leads to a habit of persistence.

So then, as you can see, persistence is the direct result of habit. The mind absorbs and becomes part of the daily experiences upon which it feeds. Fear, the worst of all enemies, can be effectively cured by persistently and repeatedly thinking positive thoughts so that your subconscious mind picks them up.

If you take the time to read the biographies of the prophets, philosophers, religious leaders, and other successful people and you will agree with me that persistence, focused effort, and definite purpose, were the major reasons that they were a success.


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