VIDEO: On the Tragedy of Nagging (trying to help gone negative)

The tragedy of nagging is that its causes are usually so noble – and yet that it doesn’t work. We nag because we feel that our possession of the truth lets us off having to convey it elegantly. It never does. The solution to nagging isn’t to give up trying to get others to do what we want. Rather, it is to recognize that persuasion always needs to occur in terms that make sense to those who so badly need to be altered.  MORE

Brought to you by The School of Life

The Book of Life is brought to you by  The School of Life – a global organisation dedicated to developing emotional intelligence. You can find our classes, films, books, games and much more online and in our branches around the world. Below is a feature from our shop which we think you might find of interest:

On Being Nice 

Exploring a much forgotten quality

Most books that want to change us seek to make us richer or thinner. This book wants to help us to be nicer: that is, less irritable, more patient, readier to listen, warmer, less prickly. Niceness may not have the immediate allure of money or fame, but it is a hugely important quality nevertheless and one that we neglect at our peril.   Shop now >>


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